Prof. Dr. Magomet T. Abshaev
Magomet Tahirovich is a scientific and methodogical leader and director of the Center. He is world renowned expert in radar meteorology, weather modification and cloud physics with more than 50 years of experience
Magomet Tahirovich is a scientific and methodogical leader and director of the Center. He is world renowned expert in radar meteorology, weather modification and cloud physics with more than 50 years of experience
Sultan is an expert in software development for Linux and Windows platforms under Java script, HTML. Python, C++, Delphi, SQL and web servers
Asiyat is an assistant designer of mechanical systems. She is responsible for development of documentation and drawings of constructions of new devices
Nikolay Vladimirovich is an expert in hail suppression systems and weather radar systems. He is responsible for development and upgrade of radar systems, their manufacturing and implementation
Husein is the chief of manufacturing control and spare parts supply.
Masha is a professional software developer and an expert in computer systems. She has been involved into a number of high level projects, like 3D clouds rendering, mobile app for rendering real-time radar data, radar and ASU-MRL interface, Arduino systems
Nikolay is an expert in microelectromechanical systems. He is responsible for designing of weather drones as well as other electronic devices
Kanshaubi is a young and talented engineer particiapting in the equipment installation and maintanace works
Muhtar is a leading engineer engaged in construction tasks, general manufacturing, servicing of technical devices and machines
Zalim is an engineer in our manufacturing warehouse. He has experience in maintaining of antihail launchers and radars mechanical systems
Salima is an accountant responsible for office work and preparation of reports to tax services, custom, etc
Mariam is a lawyer and legal consultant
Vladimir is the chief designer of mechanical systems. He is responsible for development of constructions of new devices
Ali is an expert in weather modification, cloud modelling and meteorology. He is guiding wide range of tasks, connected with development of new hardware and software products, their manufacturing and distribution
Alexandr is the chief expert for electronic systems. In his career he developed wide range of end user devices implemented on aircrafts, manufactures, antihail servies, etc
Zeytun Hizirovich is a general specialist responsible for the operation of lifting mechanisms, painting post and more.
Robert Gurgenovich performs theoretical analysis and researches related to clouds and general meteorology
Alexandr is a professional software developer as well as designer of electronic circuits. He has successfully completed the designated part of the weather drone project and now works on integration of WMO GRIB/NetCDF codes to ASU-MRL and ERA-5 reanalysis.
Ruslan Jekeev is a leading mechanical engineer actively involved in the production sector of the company, including metalworking, powder coating, assembly and other works.
Viktor Sergeev is engaged in metal welding works of our production sector, professionally owning various types of welding for raw steel, stainless steel, copper and aluminum